Nunc id urna nunc. Donec vitae pretium ante. Quisque aliquam arcu posuere placerat egestas. In luctus et sapien id semper. Suspendisse ut metus ac magna ultrices pellentesque. Nunc aliquam sagittis tellus, in convallis massa pellentesque nec. Pellentesque et diam eu purus auctor semper eget non tellus. Vivamus pretium metus orci, quis suscipit eros posuere at. Maecenas porttitor justo non lorem fermentum, in auctor magna hendrerit. Integer non tortor vitae tortor congue eleifend sed nec justo. Nulla laoreet nisl eget vestibulum egestas. Nunc molestie interdum ligula sit amet faucibus. Pellentesque at tempus eros. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse sed fermentum risus.

Pellentesque rutrum dui lobortis massa dictum vehicula. Vestibulum at pretium elit, sed pulvinar eros. Aliquam vitae rutrum felis. Curabitur a pretium urna, at condimentum magna. Sed quis ultrices libero. Nunc ornare malesuada enim, ut rhoncus nibh eleifend nec. Mauris elementum nunc mauris, vitae dapibus nulla sodales eget. Integer feugiat orci vitae porttitor feugiat. Cras vehicula tincidunt quam, in bibendum nisl lacinia quis. Proin vel odio a massa congue condimentum. Aenean ac risus felis.

When partnering with Trimco Group, you have access to our global team of experts and support within data-integrating solutions, ensuring that your brand and data are in good hands. Everything we do is more or less connected to data. To achieve efficient results, Trimco Group is your trusted partner, ensuring accurate data, anywhere in the world.

Care & Content Compliance — With access to a global database of care label translations, at Trimco Group, our goal is to ensure that brands have the correct garment care translation and icon conversion to comply with the regulations in all distribution markets.
As part of our brand support, we audit the existing care & content setup or advise brands on the best option for one, focused on cost optimization and reducing product waste.
Read more about care labels and care and content data solutions here.

Digital traceability solutions & ESG advisory — Trimco has created ProductDNA® with the goal of being the complete traceability solution with the least workload for brands, including digitally-driven options to support circular initiatives and better waste management at the product’s end-of-life.

From monitoring social and environmental compliance to material analysis and reporting on weight-based claims or international EPR schemes for packaging, our team of experts customizes the best setup for ESG monitoring and reporting based on your brand’s data.

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